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Two Crossfigure Puzzles

I received some interesting hand-made Crossfigure puzzles from Israeli puzzle constructor Yochanan. He says he learned the technique of making these puzzles when he was “still a fairly young man, about seventy or so,” from L.G. Horsefield.

These numeric crosswords are similar to Kakuro and KenKen puzzles, but have greater variety in the clues. Here’s two to start with. I hope to post Yochanan’s complete set at a later date.

Crossfigure Puzzle #35 (pdf)
Crossfigure Puzzle #39 (pdf)

5 Responses to “Two Crossfigure Puzzles”

  1. David Says:

    In Crossfigure Puzzle #35 the clue for 14 Down reads:
    “Last digits is the sum of others”

    But the “s” shouldn’t be on “digits”, right? “Last digit is the sum of others.”

    Perhaps this would be better worded as “The last digit is the sum of the other two.”

    Okay, now I’ve gotta get back to work solving this! Only 16 spaces filled in so far.

  2. AmishFurniture Says:

    Very interesting puzzles

  3. gmaneaglesfan Says:

    Thoroughly enjoyed the Yochanan cross figure puzzles. Keep ’em coming! Looked at others on-line and found nothing comparable. Took
    two days to complete, but I got them done.

  4. jbum Says:

    There’s more coming when I get time to edit them – the PDFs are bit rough…

  5. Mitch Says:

    Really addictive once i begin i cannot stop! takes me 3 hours to finish both ! I want more! :)