2025-January 🕰️ Happy New Year! ❄
Hey look! New printable puzzle varieties:
- Diabolical Star Battle (More of the extra hard puzzles)
- Train Tracks (Help the train get to it's destination!)
- Comparison (Greater-than Sudoku in 3 new variants)
- 7 Queens (Star Battle meets Chess)

My new portable Two Not Touch / Star Battle books are now available on Amazon.
These books are also available as PDFs, specially reformatted for the Kindle Scribe and Remarkable 2 e-ink tablets, at my Etsy shop. Here's a free sample
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Star Battle Puzzles by KrazyDad
Here are hundreds of free Star Battle puzzles suitable for printing.
Star Battle (published in The New York Times as "Two Not Touch") first appeared at the 2003 World Puzzle Championship in the Netherlands, the creation of prolific puzzle person Hans Eendebak. I'm offering three varieties: an easier 8x8 1-star variety, a harder 10x10 2-star variety (my personal favorite) and a significantly harder 14x14 3-star variety.
In these puzzles, each row, column and bolded region must contain the same number of stars (1 to 3 stars, depending on the puzzle variety). Stars may not reside in adjacent cells (not even diagonally).
If you are new to Star Battle, you might find this tutorial on the 1-Star puzzles helpful.
For fans of the New York Times puzzle, which are in the 10x10 2-Star format, I have put together beginner and intermediate tutorials.
Each collection is ordered by difficulty, with the easiest puzzles in Book 1, and the hardest in Book 100. If you are new to these puzzles, I recommend you start with Book 1. If you find they are too easy, skip ahead by 10 books or so. If you find the puzzles are getting too hard, move up to Book #1 of the next volume, and they'll get easier again.
Want to save some trees? Try the online version of these puzzles.
If you like Star Battle puzzles, you will probably also like a similar puzzle called Suguru (not to be confused with Sudoku).
1 Star 8x8 Puzzles, 4-per-page
1 Star 8x8 Star Battle Puzzles, Volume 1
1 Star 8x8 Star Battle Puzzles, Volume 2
1 Star 8x8 Star Battle Puzzles, Volume 3
1 Star 8x8 Star Battle Puzzles, Volume 4
1 Star 8x8 Star Battle Puzzles, Volume 5
1 Star 8x8 Star Battle Puzzles, Volume 6
1 Star 8x8 Star Battle Puzzles, Volume 7
1 Star 8x8 Star Battle Puzzles, Volume 8
2 Star 10x10 Puzzles, 4-per-page
2 Star 10x10 Star Battle Puzzles, Volume 1
2 Star 10x10 Star Battle Puzzles, Volume 2
2 Star 10x10 Star Battle Puzzles, Volume 3
2 Star 10x10 Star Battle Puzzles, Volume 4
2 Star 10x10 Star Battle Puzzles, Volume 5
2 Star 10x10 Star Battle Puzzles, Volume 6
2 Star 10x10 Star Battle Puzzles, Volume 7
2 Star 10x10 Star Battle Puzzles, Volume 8
2 Star Diabolical 10x10 Puzzles, 4-per-page
2 Star Diabolical 10x10 Star Battle Puzzles, Volume 1
2 Star Diabolical 10x10 Star Battle Puzzles, Volume 2
2 Star Diabolical 10x10 Star Battle Puzzles, Volume 3
2 Star Diabolical 10x10 Star Battle Puzzles, Volume 4
2 Star Diabolical 10x10 Star Battle Puzzles, Volume 5
3 Star 14x14 Puzzles, 4-per-page
3 Star 14x14 Star Battle Puzzles, Volume 1
3 Star 14x14 Star Battle Puzzles, Volume 2
3 Star 14x14 Star Battle Puzzles, Volume 3
3 Star 14x14 Star Battle Puzzles, Volume 4
3 Star 14x14 Star Battle Puzzles, Volume 5
Don't see the format you prefer? Run out of puzzles? Let me know!